Sunday, November 11, 2007

#23 Is this really the end?

For my lifelong learning journey it is definitely not the end. Ilove learning and fully intend to keep on learning and discovering new concepts all the time- after all that is what life is about constant change... If you look at the techology avail today compared to what was avail 20 yrs ago-there is no comparison there is just a huge difference and people have aadapted and embraced the new technology as we will continue to do so in the future. Well, a big thank you to the Learning 2.0 program and the people behind the scences who created it- it was a very enjoyable and thought provoking journey.... Many Thanks

#22 Audiobooks

This will defifnitely be the way of the future for libraries, of course we would still need to keep the other audio tape and CD sets for patrons but the downloadable audibooks would be great for more techno savvy borrowers- I can see that there would be a big demand for this service especially the patron does not have to worry about returning an audiobook as it deletes auto. GREAT!!!!

#21 Podcasts

Hello again,
I'm really keen to see how much of the course I can complete today, so I didn't find podcasts as interesting as Youtube definitely But I can see that they probably would be very useful in a Library situation to add to the website and also to whet patrons interest for various topics.

#20 Youtube

I still have a huge smile on my face from visiting Youtube- the downright funny and absolutely hilariously ridiculous videos on this website just boggles the mind and that's why it is so much fun!!!!!LOL You type in any topic somwhere out there is something to match it. I got really caught up just having fun and going from one video to another- definitely 2 of the funniest were; Tokyo Dance trooper in Shibuyo (it just cracked me up) and also the Spice Girls Tesco Ad-2007 very funny people.
Hope you have time to ctach at least one of these...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

#19 Discovering Web 2.0 Tools

I choose this as my most interesting website ( after a long search). This is a really intersting website and it covers pretty much a lot about books from buying and selling books to (Even!!) publishing your own book. WOW!!! I must admit that I got a little bit sidetracked browsing thru the books for sale (I was really doing it as part of researching the site in depth-honest!!) LOL. Luv Talia

#18 Web Based Applications

Zoho Writer...
I signed up for a new accont with this website and I think that for me it is going to come in extreme handy- especially as I don't have internet access at home and so any public computer I use might not have the software programs loaded that I need to use. I can see myself using this site in the very near future...

#17 PBWiki

I had so much fun with favourites, of course I choose Books and then I said about one of my favourite and just recently discovered author, J.R.Ward. Reallly Really great fun...

#16 So what's in a wiki?

I have heard a lot about wikis but until now, I hadn't made an effort to find out more. I'm so glad that I finally had an opportunity to see what all the fuss was about- I really enjoyed going ttru the different libraries wikis and I learnt so much that I didn't know- I highly recommend putting aside a block of time to have a play around.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

#15 On Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

I think it is really hard to discuss changes or shifts in thinking from a philosophical and hypothetical standpoint especially in regard to the Library-perhaps the last bastion of civilisation in this technological age. I love and have always loved coming to the Library. No matter where they also have a wonderful and welcoming atmosphere, helpful staff(don't be put off by "the Librarian" LOL!!!), and most important (ESSENTIAL) of all they have books the gateway to another place or time or future or persona. Books will never go out of fashion!!!!!

#14 Technorati

Learning 2.0...
It was realy had to tear myself away from this site- I looked up so many topics and searched a lot of tags/bookmarks of interest-It was really gr8. It was so much fun checking what other people had to say and what their perspective was. Have fun, Talia

Learning 2.0

I'm sorrybut this is only going to be a quick post as I am running out of time (LOL)- But I had fun searching thru the bookmarks on this website and also showed my brother a little bit about it, which was really good!!! At this point in time I have decided not to create an account with delicious as I don't think it really necessary but I will certainly keep it in mind for later on. I think I am finally beginning to catch up with everyone else!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

#12 Roll your own search engine with Rollyo

I had a ball with Rollyo- As some of you will know I love Love Love reading Paranormal Romances and I choose that (naturallly) as the subject for my search engine- and as I have already tried and tested the sites it made it so much easier!!!!! Hope you have a peek. You never know you might love this genre as much as I do!!! LOL I can be found at....


#11 All about Library Thing

Hello everyone- I had so much fun with Library Thing and I most definitely will continue using it to catalogue my books. It was really easy to use and register and I really enjoyed having a play around and selecting different covers for my books and changing settings. Hope everyone liked this weeks activity as much as I did!!! And now on to bigger and better things.....

Happy Learning!!!!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

#10 Image Generators

Learning 2.0
Hello!!!! I had heaps of fun with the latest exercise and I LOL at some of the quirky stuff people have done-I really thought this was the best one I've seen...
Funny picture - Who maked my water go hard?
I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Learning 2.0

RSS Feeds
Well, so far out of all the activities that I have completed I would have to say that this was the most time consuming and difficult. I must admit I did not enjoy this activity as much as the last one- but I now have a bloglines account- And I have subscribed to a few feeds that interested me.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Learning 2.0

#7 Technology
At first I was really stuck trying to think of something for this exercise, but then I realised anything technology covers such a broad spectrum that I had plenty of subject matter to choose from. In regard to job searching, having internet access is essential. I believe this because a lot of employers prefer to go through an employment agency to vet applicants and these agencies register positions available on the Jobsearch website. This means no matter where you are in Australia you can access jobs in another state, city or town simply by clicking the mouse. It has really simplified finding a position especially if, say; you were wanting to move interstate and first you were wanting to check employment options in that location. Also employees can upload their resume to be viewed by potential employers.

#6 Flickr Fun

Learning 2.0
I am having a lot of fun discovering all the things that you can do with flickr. What an amazing site- I really enjoyed searching the Mashup Awards and particularly thought that Amazon Zuggest and Flickr Compositor were gr8. Other things I have been doing is generally doing a lot of web surfing, typing and changing documents in word. Hope to catch up with a lot of the course today. LOL!!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Purple Passion

Purple Passion, originally uploaded by Angelique Brunas.

No.5 Flickr- Learning 2.0.
I adore this pic because I love the colour purple and the background really emphasises the colour and form of the bloom- I'm having a lot of fun searching thru Flickr and am learning a lot in the process. It was a bit frustrating at first because I had to first get a yahoo account before I could register with Flickr, but it was definitely worth the trouble!!!! Can't wait to get my teeth into the next task.

Monday, October 1, 2007


I have finally found the time to create my first blog-which is very exciting! I am really enjoying learning about my blog and what it can do for me. I can't wait to undertake my new activity with Learning 2.0.